dRAGon Development Mode


In order to be as close as possible to the development environment, we strongly recommend using Visual Studio Code Dev Containers. You can find the configuration file in the .devcontainer folder.

If it's not possible please make sure you have the following tools installed with the correct versions:

  • Java 17

  • Gradle 8.7

  • Node.js 20

  • NPM 10

  • "Unix like" System (Linux, MacOS)

However we do NOT accept any issues related to troubles encountered by NOT using the Dev Containers.

Clone Repository

git clone https://github.com/dRAGon-Okinawa/dRAGon

Prepare Dependencies

gradle pnpmInstall build

Launching dRAGon

Backend + Frontend

# Launch full dRAGon app :
gradle bootRun

# Open your browser at http://localhost:1985 to access the dRAGon app

Backend Only

# Launch only the Backend API server and the Job Server :
gradle bootRun -x :frontend:pnpmBuild -x :backend:copyWebApp

# Open your browser at http://localhost:1985/api/swagger-ui.html to access the Backend API server

# To continuously build your changes, open a new terminal :
gradle backend:bootJar -continuous -xtest -x :frontend:pnpmBuild -x :backend:copyWebApp

Frontend Only

# Go to the frontend directory
cd frontend

# 1. Launch the frontend
# 1.1. Inside one terminal launch the Frontend
pnpm dev

# 1.2. Open your browser at http://localhost:9527 to access the Frontend

# 2. To use the Frontend you need to launch the Backend or the Mock API server
# 2.A. Launch the Mockoon API server inside another terminal
npx @mockoon/cli start --data mockoon_dRAGon.json

# OR

# 2.B. Launch the Backend (Only) inside another terminal
# See the (Backend Only) section above

Last updated